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Global Warming - What's A Magnetic Motor? By Jim Petersen
Do you know what a magnetic motor is? There are permanent magnet motors and magnetic motors so it can be a little confusing. It's really just a difference in specifics actually, one is exactly what it suggests, namely the permanent magnet motor, the other however is a broader category but basically means power assisted motors of a magnetic nature. So a permanent magnet motor is powered solely by the permanent magnets within it whereas a magnetic motor is most often a design which makes use of an external power source for start up and running.
The second and broader class are often called 'over unity motors'. What they are in fact doing is producing far more power than they consume so they are very good if you're wanting to save money on your power bills. Whereas at present there are no working models of 'permanent magnet motors' in existence anywhere in the world.
It's easy enough to get the magnets to make one, a permanent magnet motor that is, but the other necessary parts required to make it run just don't exist anywhere so you'd have to make them yourself, assuming you actually had design plans to begin with. The American engineer Howard Johnson patented the plans for one back in 1979 amid much fanfare at the time in the scientific community, trouble is, it doesn't actually work. His design has a very fundamental design flaw, that's all I'll say. And no one's solved it YET!
All the designs and plans sold online at present are of the other type of motors belonging to the much broader category of 'magnetic motors'. You'll be glad to know that they do work, and work very well. Many people could benefit from installing one of these motors, not just those of you who are looking for a way to save money on your power bills. Those who have solar or wind powered systems, or are thinking of doing so could also find them a great help.
Let me explain why. With solar and wind systems there are 'down' times when they aren't producing electricity or are under producing. Like on cloudy and rainy days, or times when there's little or no wind at all. At times like these your system supplements it's power by drawing the extra power required from the electricity grid and you pay a pretty penny for it. You Don't Have To!
You could choose to install an over-unity system to supplement your solar or wind power supply. Kind of like having a back-up generator but this one only needs a very small amount of energy to kick start and run. These systems produce 2, 3 and even more times the power they consume and you can set them up so they're permanently plugged in, constantly supplementing your power supply.
They are very easy to build and set up and also very simple to maintain.They're inexpensive to make and the parts are readily available. But if you're not sure you could or lack the confidence to give it a go yourself you can buy all the parts and plans and pay an electrician to build it for you. Mind you, it'll cost a few hundred dollars extra that way. It's not a problem though, you'll quickly make that back because of all you're saving on your power bills. You won't be paying to supplement your power supply anymore with your hard earned cash.
And for those of you who simply want to save as much as you possibly can on your power bills, And Who Doesn't, just install one of these babies and start seeing your house-hold power consumption drop at the meter dramatically. Learn more about this and much more, go to the authority site below. Find out everything you need to know at this one site.
The totally best place for all your going green info. All types of Alternative power sources. Go here for all you'll ever need: http://www.mygoinggreeninfo.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Petersen
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