Thursday, 12 April 2012

How to Building a Magnet Motor to Generate Free Electricity For Your Home By Borisenko Stanislav

Hi there, thank you for visited my blog. I found this article talking about magnetmotor on the web. As my blog visitor, I decided to share this article with you because I like the authors presented information about magnetmotor in his article. I hope you enjoy reading this article.

More than a hundred years ago in 1831, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction. Today every schoolchild knows the experiment from the school physics laboratory. If a conductor connected to an electric circuit crosses the space between the poles of a magnet an electric current is induced in it. But the metal conductor can be replaced by any other conductor. For example, it may be a flow of electro conducting liquid or gas.

If gases are heated to some thousands of degrees the atoms that make them up are broken down into electrically charged particles, the letter interacting, with the magnetic field.

A high temperature gas in an magnet motor gives the same result as a copper armature in a conventional d.c. generator. By means of suitable electrodes part of the energy of the ionized gas passing through the magnetic field is converted directly into electricity. It is this conversion that we are mostly interested in.

An magnet motor combines the functions of both a stream turbine and an electrical generator. As the energy of the gas is converted directly into electrical energy, an magnet motor is in principle a much simpler device than a turbo generator.

As a result of high temperature operation a power plant with an magnet motor is more efficient than a turbine power plant. Studies show that an Magnetohydrodynamics power plant can reach 50% efficiency, and 55-60% in the future, the highest obtainable efficiency of a thermal power plant being 40%.

Magnetohydrodynamics energy conversion becomes possible only with the right combination of gas velocity, electrical conductivity and magnetic field induction.

It is the study of the above-mentioned combination that has led to the development of three approaches to the Magnet Motor power generation. The first one is the open cycle generator where the ionized gas flux is injected into the nozzle of the channel. The second approach is the closed cycle generator in which plasma circulates inside the Magnet Motor itself. In the third, a liquid metal is used instead of plasma in the channel. All three approaches are investigated at present. So far, the open cycle generator seems to be the most feasible of them.

The first experimental industrial Magnet Motor installation "U-25" was constructed in Moscow. The above installation is known to have been put into operation in 1971. Its capacity is 20,000 kW. The U-25 operates on natural gas and has a magnet about 10 metres long.

By the end of the present century the consumption of electricity is expected to be ten times as great as it is today. To increase power production rapidly we shall not only have to build giant thermal power plants but also to develop principally new power generation methods. There is every reason to believe that large Magnetohydrodynamics stations will be operating in our country in the near future.

Build your own magnet motor and never pay for electricity ever again!

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