Friday, 13 April 2012

Making Use of a Good Quality Magnet Motor Generator Design By Bruno Vigneault

Hi there, thank you for visited my blog. I found this article talking about magnetmotor on the web. As my blog visitor, I decided to share this article with you because I like the authors presented information about magnetmotor in his article. I hope you enjoy reading this article.

The modern climate that we live in is not only tough economically, but there is an ever present awareness of living more economically friendly lives. This means that we all need to do our bit to protect the environment, and save money where we can too. The use of a good magnet motor generator design can be the perfect way to do both at the same time.

This is a relatively new design, and uses magnetic energy to create electricity. This method is not only extremely green, but if used correctly it can even help to reduce your monthly electricity bills. This is something that is music to any home owners ears.

This fantastic design is also often referred to as a unity motor. It is generally crafted from a basic aluminum disk, it will have attached to it a series of magnets, and copper wiring, this is how the energy is created. Am extremely small amount of force is required to start to motor, but because it is the magnetic force that drives the motor, it never slows. With standard motors they can easily be slowed down by friction, this one will never slow.

As thing motor design is so new to the market place, one will not find it widely available, you can however to construct your own. This can be done with the use of some magnetic motor plans. These can be obtained online, and they will take you through both the components you need to create it, and how to do so.

The effectiveness of this relatively simple design is quite astonishing, many people feel that the minimal outlay for the motor will actually be repaid within just one month. When it is used to supplement your electricity supply you can see a drop of as much as half in your monthly bills. Most deem this a great saving for the low outlay.

Discover how to make free electricity at home and live off the grid. Click on the link to access diy magnet motor plans

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