Hi there, thank you for visited my blog. I found this article talking about magnetmotor on the web. As my blog visitor, I decided to share this article with you because I like the authors presented information about magnetmotor in his article. I hope you enjoy reading this article.
DIY Perpetual Magnetic Motors - Build Your Own Permanent Magnetic Generator By Eoin McDonnell
If everyone built their own perpetual magnetic motors to run their home it could be the answer to the energy crisis while also providing a completely environmentally friendly method of producing electricity. The great thing is that anyone can build one with the right guidelines and for very little expense.
Perpetual magnetic motors of sufficient size to create electricity for an average size house can be built quite easily for as little as sixty dollars. Other than occasional maintenance, that initial sixty dollars should be the only cost incurred as once you've started the motor it will create power indefinitely for free and require no fuel whatsoever. As well as this it can fit tidily into the corner of your utility room or garage as it takes up very little space.
The motor works on the basis that if you evenly space a series of north facing magnets around the rim of a wheel the action of the north and south ends of the magnets repelling and attracting each other will create a rotating motion in the wheel which will continue to spin indefinitely.
This rotating motion is essentially kinetic energy which can be turned into electric energy simply by attaching the axle of the wheel to a DC motor which can be bought in any electrical goods store for less than thirty dollars. The electric energy can then be transferred into a battery to be stored, ready to be used in your house.
That quite simply is basically how perpetual magnetic motors can revolutionize the world of energy and global warming. The whole process can also be adopted on a larger scale where the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately it is not something the large energy companies are interested in at the moment as it could deem most of their present energy creating methods obsolete and greatly reduce the global demand for fossil fuels such as oil and gas.
If you would like simple instructions on how perpetual magnetic motors are built you should check out http://www.permanentmagneticgenerator.info/ where you will find a very straight forward manual on this and other similar DIY free domestic energy generators.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eoin_McDonnell
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