Saturday, 19 May 2012

Magnet Motor Energy Questions and Answers By Neil Lee

Hi there, thank you for visited my blog. I found this article talking about magnetmotor on the web. As my blog visitor, I decided to share this article with you because I like the authors presented information about magnetmotor in his article. I hope you enjoy reading this article.

FAQs On Magnetic Generators

Q. How do magnetic generators work?

A. Magnetic generators are based upon Faraday's Law of Induction. Every magnet has a field of waves around it. Energy is produced when this field is disturbed. When this energy is harnessed, it can flow through a closed loop of wire.

Q. Can magnet generators produce electricity continuously?

A. As long as the magnetic field is continuously disturbed, the energy production is constant. Nickel or steel pieces can be made to continuously vibrate near the magnet, creating the disturbance in the magnetic field.

Q. How much do magnetic generators cost?

A. It depends on the size. An industrial sized magnetic motor will run about $2,000. You can find smaller versions for around $650. However, there are guides and plans for building one of your own for under a $100 or so.

Q. How much electricity does a magnetic generator produce?

A. It again depends on the size of the generator. Some are capable of powering an entire industrial plant, while others may only supply enough power to run a light bulb. The good part about these machines is that you can loop several of them together to create more power output.

Q. Can I go completely "off the grid?"

A. If you utilize a generator that produces enough power, you certainly can go off the traditional utility grid.

Q. What are the advantages over other alternative energy sources?

A. One of the major benefits is cost. It is considerably less expensive as compared to installing solar panels or building a wind turbine. You are also not at the mercy of the weather for your energy production. Since wind turbines take up so much space, it is not normally a good choice in an urban area, either. A magnetic generator does not take up much room and works well in all types of homes.

Q. Where can I find plans to build one of my own?

A. There are plans available all over the internet. However, it is recommended that you do a bit of research to ensure you are getting an easy to follow guide that contains the complete instructions. There are several review sites that can help you determine which one is best for the purchase price. In many cases, these guides also come with full video instruction that you can watch online.

Q. Is the world heading towards more magnetic energy power?

A. It is one of the fastest growing sources of alternative energy today. Countries around the world are spending billions of dollars in research in hopes of harnessing all that magnetic power has to offer.

To learn more about magnet motor energy and other types of alternative energy sources, please visit:

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