Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Overunity Magnet Motor - How To Generate 7 Kilowatts Of Free Power For Your Home By Scott Harris

Hi there, thank you for visited my blog. I found this article talking about magnetmotor on the web. As my blog visitor, I decided to share this article with you because I like the authors presented information about magnetmotor in his article. I hope you enjoy reading this article.

What is an overunity magnet motor? Can it really deliver all the energy needs that your home needs without any fuel source? If so, how can you go about obtaining one for your own use? These three questions are answer below in this article.

Overunity Magnet Motor - What Is It?

The overunity magnet motor is not a product of conventional physics or scientific thinking. It works under the principles of "zero point" which is a fringe field of physics. The core tenet is that the motor converts power relating to magnetism (i.e. from the magnets) into mechanical motion.

This may at first sound fanciful but any such assertions are based on modern, conventional thinking. There is not just evidence supporting these theories but also full, working installations in laboratories, workshops and homes across the world.

Ironically, this technology has been known about for over 100 years. Nikola Tesla, the inventor of a.c. electricity (without which we would not have television, computers or any other appliances) spent the second half his career in this field. Declassified British intelligence documents show that MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5) believed a German invented device being looked at by the Nazis to be credible. Even the ancient Egyptians left pictorial records of what appears to be a flywheel generator.

The modern motor has been developed and consists of little more than a rotor, some strategically placed magnets and electrical wiring.

Can It Provide All Your Energy Needs?

Yes, it can. The modern device (described below) generates circa 7 kilowatts of electricity. This is more than enough for most households. Anything left over can be sold back to the grid in many areas.

By the way, this is not a perpetual motion device. Magnetic motors require a small input of energy to kick-start them into action and this is normally provided by a battery. Batteries need replacing every few years, as do the magnets which lose their magnetism over time.

How To Produce Electricity At Home With An Overunity Magnet Motor?

Unfortunately, commercial devices are still around 5 years away from reaching the market. But what if you want access to this technology right now? What can you do about it?

The simple answer is to build a device for yourself. There is simply no need to wait 5 years. As the modern motor is only a few components, you can do it yourself with some cheap parts (many of which can be obtained second hand), a few tools and a couple of spare days worth of time.

If you take this route (the only route), then I strongly recommend you use a set of reliable instructions. You do not want to spend hundreds of hours tinkering with Nikola Tesla's hundred year old plans that hark from a day when computers were not even invented. As simple as it is, a modest investment in a good and reliable set of plans will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. After all, the quicker you get up and running, the less money you need to pay the electricity company.

Quit paying the power company ever increasing amounts of your hard-earned cash. Get free tips on how to make your own magnetic energy generator here: Magnetic Motor Generator.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Harris

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