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How a DIY Electric Magnetic Motor Generates Unlimited Energy to Power Your Home & Save You Money By Karl Landry
A DIY electric magnetic motor is an unbelievable concept for some people. They just don't believe such a device exists. The truth is, these DIY motors do exist and their currently helping many homeowners battle the rising energy prices the world faces.
Many individuals are making the switch to alternative energy sources to power their household. Alternative energy sources such as wind and solar energy are by far the most popular. These enrgy sources can effectively make a homeowner become more energy efficient.
However, the devices that generate these energy sources are only effective in certain weather conditions. No wind means no wind energy, and no sunlight means no solar energy.
With an electric magnetic motor there is no need for any external energy source to power it up. Moreover, the magnetic energy these motors create will continue to multiply itself generating more useable electricity than your household requires.
For this reason many people are interested in building their own DIY electric magnetic motor. There are more than a few DIY manuals available to build solar panel systems and wind turbines. But once again, if you don't live in an area where you can get adequate sunlight or wind then these energy efficient devices aren't going to do you much good.
If you live in such areas then a magnetic motor will benefit you the best. An electric magnetic motor utilizes two magnets to generate perpetual motion. It is perpetual motion that allows these motors to produce energy without any interruption.
Moreover, it's because of perpetual motion why these motors is able to power your home for a lifetime. With the potential an electric magnetic motor possesses it can easily cut your power bill in half. Moreover, the energy that is generated is 100% environmentally friendly.
A DIY electric magnetic motor is a one time investment that quickly pays for itself within a few months. Although the thought of these revolutionary motors are unbelievable, some people are already enjoying the many benefits such a motor brings to their home.
If you decide to implement one of these motors on a full-scale, it will independently power your household, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Click Here and take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using one of these motors, also known as a Permanent Magnet Generator.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karl_Landry
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