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How an Electric Magnet Motor Creates Unlimited Energy to Power Your Household - Save Money By Karl Landry
Many experts and researchers predict that fossil fuels will no longer be available 40 years from now. So it's important for homeowners to start making use of sustainable sources of energy.
There are more than a few sustainable sources of energy such as a wind generator, solar panel system, or an electric magnet motor. Wind generators and solar panel systems are by far the oldest and most traditional way to generate sustainable energy for a home. However, the concept of producing energy within an electric magnet motor is quickly becoming more popular among home owners.
These motors work on the principles of magnets. Magnets are polarized and opposites attract to each other, meanwhile like poles will always repel.
In an electric magnet motor the magnets are positioned in a particular order of unlike and like poles. The repulsion will create motion that will turn into electricity.
The magnetic force within the generator will provide continual motion that will allow the motor to run without stopping once it has been initiated. This continual motion is also known as perpetual motion and it will allow the motor to produce more and more energy for your home.
One of the biggest reasons why people are attracted to these generators is because of their size. Unlike solar panel systems and wind generators, they don't require a lot of space. Instead of putting it in areas that make it vulnerable to harsh weather conditions such as your roof or backyard, you can can implement an electric magnet motor in the corner of your house or garage.
Another reason why these motors are a heavy favorite among homeowners is because no matter the temperature or the type of weather you get in the area you live, you can continue to generate usable energy to power your home. This is because an electric magnet motor doesn't depend on any external factors like wind, solar, or heat.
Fossil fuels release harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, which is a big contributor to global warming. However, these motors don't produce any harmful gases making them very environmentally friendly, and can help save our planet.
If you decide to implement one of these motors on a full-scale, it will independently power your household, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Click Here and take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using one of these motors, also known as a Permanent Magnet Generator.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karl_Landry
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