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Why You Should Build Your Own Electric Magnet Motor - Energy That Can Really Last You a Lifetime By Karl Landry
An electric magnet motor is one of those thing we never thought was possible. Of course, solar panels and wind turbines have long been helping home owners generate their own energy, but this energy being created relies on the sun or wind to be sufficient.
The energy these motors harness don't require any outside help. This makes an electric magnet motor one of the most energy efficient devices on the planet.
The biggest reason why you should build your own motor is because magnets absorb the most energy, making one motor powerful enough to supply your entire household with power. Moreover, the reason why motors are so efficient is because they don't use much of the energy it creates.
Since an electric magnet motor will loose small amounts of energy over a long period of time, it can easily power your home for years to come. Home energy experts estimate the motors can last for more than 400 years, which is basically more than a lifetime.
It's no question that these motors will last longer than other energy efficient devices like solar panels or wind turbines. People are becoming more interested in these motors because the know harnessing such a device will equal a reduction or complete elimination of their power bill.
To harness this magnet energy you have to build an electric magnet motor. Once properly installed the motor will never stop running once you activate it. Some of the materials you'll need include wiring, magnets, and a rotational wheel. Due to these motors exclusive benefits, it makes sense to build one.
If you decide to implement one of these motors on a full-scale, it will independently power your household, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Click Here and take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using one of these motors, also known as a Permanent Magnet Generator.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karl_Landry
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