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Perpetual Magnetic Motors By Jeffrey Jettison
How Perpetual Magnetic Energy Works
Hello and welcome to the "Perpetual Magnetic Motors" informational article. My name is Jeffrey and the local Green Energy group I'm a part of has been doing some research on Perpetual Energy - and I wanted to explain how Perpetual magnetic energy works and how it can be used to create a virtually never ending source of Green energy.
There were a few things that made this particular energy source so interesting:
* It needs no outside help -like sunlight -wind or water
* Its relatively new - Rarely discussed
* It might be the most productive Green Energy source available
And because it is definitely a Green Energy source, its worth discussing.
Many people have shown a lot of interest in the Perpetual Magnetic energy - otherwise known as "Zero Point Magnetic Energy." It simply uses the natural charges in magnets to create this amazing energy source.
By using this natural charge in the magnets, we are able to create what is called, "Perpetual Motion." Now, perpetual motion is when a device or object can stay in motion, continually, without stopping and without any outside help -or third party energy source. Which, by itself is quite different , especially compared to all other green energy sources.
The real unique aspect of perpetual motion or perpetual magnetic energy, is that it actually CREATES more energy than it USES.
The Perpetual Magnetic Energy Generator
That's where the MAIN energy source is created. When the Magnetic Motors are created properly, they actually harness this EXTRA energy and convert it into the power or electricity that is used to power up our appliances, devices and anything else that uses electricity as its main power source. Of course the actual; building of the Perpetual Magnetic Motor takes some help a directions to complete -but all in all, the actual science behind the power source is quite simple when you break it down.
Advantages Of Zero Point Magnetic Energy
And of course, the main features of this type of Green energy is the fact that it needs no outside energy source, like sunlight, wind and water. But that is only HALF of what makes this energy device so powerful. You see, not only does the perpetual motor NOT NEED any outside help to work, but there are NO OUTSIDE effects that can STOP the device from working either -like how heavy ice might stop a wind turbine from working or clouds will prevent solar panels from working.
It really does have 2 times the advantages - along with the manageable size - it can basically be used from anywhere.
When looked at in a more in depth angle, the Perpetual Magnetic Motor device really is a special energy device. Definitely worth sharing with everyone that is interested in alternative and Green Energy generators.
If you want more information on the these amazing machines and the types of Plans needed to build your own, heres the link:
Perpetual Magnetic Motors - Plans - Reviews and complete in depth information.
Zero-Point Magnetic Energy - Check out the Complete Magnetic Energy Description and Informational Website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_Jettison
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