Friday, 30 March 2012

John Christie Magnetic Motor - How To Make Your Own 7kW Christie Motor And Easily Power Your Home By Scott Harris

Hi there, thank you for visited my blog. I found this article talking about magnetmotor on the web. As my blog visitor, I decided to share this article with you because I like the authors presented information about magnetmotor in his article. I hope you enjoy reading this article.

What is the John Christie magnetic motor? How does it work? Can you really power your house by making your own? All these questions are answered in this article.

What Is The John Christie Magnetic Motor?

This motor is an example of zero point/magnetic motor technology. This is technology that has been investigated for over one hundred years but is only in recent years starting to make a commercial and domestic impact. It allows the operator of the motor to generate electricity. Not an unlimited amount of electricity and not forever (this is not a perpetual motion machine) but nevertheless more than enough to power a home.

This motor is very simple in concept. It consists of a rotor and some strategically placed magnets plus electrical circuitry. It was developed by Christie and his electrician friend, Lou Brits. It produces a sizeable 24 kilowatts of power.

How Does It Work?

As mentioned, the device is really simple in essence and consists of a few basic parts. The key components are the magnets.

Nikola Tesla, long considered the "grandfather of electricity", showed over one hundred years ago that there are new ways to obtain energy, other than the sun, the wind and fossil fuels. Magnets can help us to access this ever-present energy source.

All magnetic motors need an initial input of energy, a simple push of the hand or the use of a crank. The motor accelerates and quickly reaches a constant speed equilibrium.

The frictional forces that would otherwise hinder motion (from the bearings and air resistance) are more than compensated for by the large forces provided by the magnets.

As mentioned already, this is not a perpetual motion device. The magnets wear out and must be replaced. Some motors, such as the John Christie magnetic motor itself, use batteries which must also be replaced periodically.

How To Make Your Own Christie Motor

Christie and Brits are not alone in working for several years on perfecting this technology. Many such pioneers were hard at work in the 1980s and 1990s. Today, we are still at least 5 years away from the first commercially available model for use in industry and the home.

The goods news is that today, anyone can make their own basic 7-kilowatt model which is more than enough to power most homes. The hard work of pioneers such as Christie has been done and we can now all benefit from this technology. All that is needed are a few basic materials (many of which can be obtained second hand), some tools and some assembly. Instead of spending hundreds of hours trying to make your own prototype, you can do it in just 48.

How can you do this? With the help of a good set of plans/instructions that have been created by someone who has been there before you. Sure, a set of instructions might cost around 50 bucks. But this is a good investment if you consider how many hours you would otherwise waste (and how much that would cost you - unless your time is free, I know mine isn't). Instead of pulling your hair out, you can have the confidence of knowing that you'll have a working motor up and running in very little time.

Quit paying the power company ever increasing amounts of your hard-earned cash. Get free tips on how to make your own magnetic energy generator here: Magnetic Motor Generator.

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