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How a DIY Magnet Motor Works - The New Energy Efficient Device That Can Power Your Home For Life By Karl Landry
A lot of people around the world are looking for an entirely environmentally friendly way to produce electricity. One of the best solutions is to build your own DIY magnet motor to run your household.
A DIY magnet motor is a relatively small energy efficient machine which can be implemented in the average size home. One of the best factors that make these motors popular is the extremely low maintenance costs to keep the motor running at it's peak condition. Once you implement and begin running the motor it will produce sufficient power indefinitely for free, and it doesn't need any type of fuel to begin working.
WIth the increasing popularity of these motors more people want to know how a DIY magnet motor works. The fundamental principal of this magnetic machine is to space a series of magnets evenly around the rim of a wheel. This will cause the magnets inside the motor to attract and repel one another to produce a rotation motion in the wheel that will continue to spin indefinitely.
When you attach the axle of the wheel to a DC motor it will allow this rotating motion to be converted into electric energy. This electric energy can then be transformed into a battery to be stored ready for you to use it for your household needs when you need it.
When people learn and understand how these remarkable motors work they are more than ready to build one for their home. You should get a DIY magnet motor kit that will provide you with useful materials list, plans, and diagrams to make your project a breeze.
If you decide to implement one of these generators on a full-scale, it will independently power your household, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Click Here and take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using one of these motors also known as a Permanent Magnet Generator.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karl_Landry
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